Saturday 16 December 2017

home remedies for pimples

Home Remedies for Pimples

  •  lemon juice.      The astringent properties in lemon juice will suck out some of the oil and shrink the blemish. Wash off before going in the sun, though, as this could bleach your face and make it more sensitive to the sun.

  • Toothpaste.      The toothpaste that you use regularly to clean your teeth can also help clear up an acne problem. This is in fact one of the easiest home remedies for acne.Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on the affected area before going to bed. The toothpaste will reduce the swelling and dry out the acne. Within a day or two, you should see significant improvement.


  •  Make a paste with cinnamon and honey      Use approximately 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and add to the honey. Mix to make a paste. Apply to the blemish and  leave on for 20 minutes (or overnight).

  • Rub a slice of potato on them. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, or all day.

  •  Tomatoes.         Try rinsing your pimply face with fresh tomato juice. Leave this on for an hour before washing

  • Make ice cubes out of green tea.             Just rub one of those things over the blemish area two or three times a day. Swelling will go down, skin will be soothed, and the green tea acts as an astringent.

  • orange peel.      Take a small amount of orange peel, sprinkle some water on the pith-side and pound it with a (clean) hammer or meat tenderizer for 10 seconds. Rub the peel over the pimply areas (you could even tape it there for a few minutes for extra action).

  •  egg white mask.        Just separate the yolk from the white, whip the white a time or two, and dab on to spotty areas with a Q-tip. Leave on overnight and wash well in the morning.

  • aloe vera gel .             For some time, I had an aloe vera plant in my home. Then I forgot to water it. For a month. Anyway, whenever I started to feel a pimple coming on, I’d break off a tiny bit of the leaf and rub the gel inside over it. Worked like a charm at heading off (sorry for the pun) the pimple. You don’t have to have a plant – just look for the purest aloe vera gel you can find in your local natural foods store.

  • Dissolve some salt in lemon juice.              If you want even MORE drying power than just straight lemon juice, try dissolving 1/2 tsp salt in 2 tsp lemon juice, rub on the zit and leave on (being aware that lemon juice is also bleaching and can cause sensitivity to the sun)

  • take zinc supplement.               Individuals with acne tend to have lower zinc levels than people with clear skin. Several studies show that taking zinc orally can significantly reduce acne.
  •  Fuller’s Earth         Fuller’s earth also known as multani mitti is good for greasy and acne-prone skin as it absorbs excess oil (without over-drying your skin) and unclogs the pores.

  • It helps improve your complexion too. You can find it at Indian grocery stores.
    1. Mix equal proportions of Fuller’s earth (multani mitti), rose water, and sandalwood powder. You can add more rose water to get a better consistency of the paste.
    2. Apply this mud pack to your face.
    3. Wash after it dries up.
    4. Repeat the process once a week.

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